More than 300 bullets found in Incheon Airport garbage area

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More than 300 bullets found in Incheon Airport garbage area

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Incheon International Airport [NEWS1]

Incheon International Airport [NEWS1]

More than 300 bullets were discovered in a garbage collection area at Incheon International Airport on Monday, and police have launched an investigation.
The stash of bullets was discovered in a garbage collection area on the east side of Terminal 1 of Incheon International Airport Monday morning, according to the Incheon International Airport Corporation the same day.
The Incheon International Airport Police Department recovered the bullets immediately and no criminal suspects were found as a result of a joint investigation with relevant authorities.
Authorities plan to conduct additional investigations, including fingerprint identification, and are also considering the possibility that departing U.S. military personnel may have thrown away the bullets because they were unable to bring them onto planes.

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