Hanwha Ocean, Poland's WB Group to jointly bid on submarine project

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Hanwha Ocean, Poland's WB Group to jointly bid on submarine project

Hanwha Ocean Vice President Jung Seung-kyun, left, and Adam Bartosiewicz, vice president of WB Group, pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding in Kielce, Poland. [YONHAP]

Hanwha Ocean Vice President Jung Seung-kyun, left, and Adam Bartosiewicz, vice president of WB Group, pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding in Kielce, Poland. [YONHAP]

Hanwha Ocean, a major Korean defense and shipbuilding company, said Wednesday it had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Polish defense firm WB Group to collaborate on a submarine project.
The MOU was signed on the sidelines of International Defense Industry Exhibition (MSPO) 2024 in Kielce, Poland, according to Hanwha Ocean.
The partnership will focus on securing the Orka submarine construction project, part of the Polish government's naval modernization program.
Hanwha Ocean and WB Group will work together on maintenance, repair and overhaul services and implement a localization strategy to strengthen their bid for the project.
Looking ahead, the companies plan to expand their cooperation in the naval ship sector, aiming to enhance their long-term collaboration.
“We believe WB Group will be a key ally in the success of our Orka submarine project,” Hanwha Ocean said. “We are well-prepared to offer customized MRO solutions tailored to local needs.”

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