Maserati Korea unveils Colors of Seoul edition of Grecale SUV

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Maserati Korea unveils Colors of Seoul edition of Grecale SUV

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Designer Ken Okuyama and Maserati Korea Managing Director Takayuki Kimura pose with the Colors of Seoul edition of the Grecale SUV. [MASERATI KOREA]

Designer Ken Okuyama and Maserati Korea Managing Director Takayuki Kimura pose with the Colors of Seoul edition of the Grecale SUV. [MASERATI KOREA]

Designer Ken Okuyama, left, and Takayuki Kimura, managing director of Maserati Korea, pose for a photo with a Colors of Seoul edition of the Grecale SUV designed exclusively for Korea inspired by baekja, or white porcelain, at its renovated showroom in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, on Wednesday.
The showroom has a separate space for Fuoriserie, a personalization program that allows customers to design their Maserati to match their own unique specifications.
The Grecale was the first vehicle unveiled by Maserati Korea, which was established in July. Until then, Maserati sold cars in the domestic market through FMK, a local importer and distributor of the Italian marque.
Maserati Korea vowed to bring at least a new model every month through the end of this year.
The Fuoriserie space at the renovated Maserati Korea dealership allows customers to personalize their cars. [MASERATI KOREA]

The Fuoriserie space at the renovated Maserati Korea dealership allows customers to personalize their cars. [MASERATI KOREA]

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