Korean monochrome painting inspires Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer collection

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Korean monochrome painting inspires Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer collection

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Actor Song Joong-ki poses wearing a coat and stands next to a bag from Louis Vuitton's new 2025 Spring/Summer collection line, inspired by the late dansaekhwa, or Korean monochrome painting, master Park Seo-bo. [LOUIS VUITTON]

Actor Song Joong-ki poses wearing a coat and stands next to a bag from Louis Vuitton's new 2025 Spring/Summer collection line, inspired by the late dansaekhwa, or Korean monochrome painting, master Park Seo-bo. [LOUIS VUITTON]

Fashion meets art in luxury brand Louis Vuitton 2025 Spring/Summer collection “Fall,” with a few of its items inspired by the late artist Park Seo-bo (1931-2023), one of Korea’s most renowned masters of dansaekhwa, Korean monochrome painting.  
The painting-inspired items, created in collaboration with the Parkseobo Foundation, include clothes, leather products and shoes that capture the painter’s minimalistic yet strong strokes seen in his artwork, according to the fashion brand.

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The items reinterpreted Park’s "myobeob" paintings, or "écriture" in French, meaning “writing.” Myo in Korean means drawing and beob means method.
An image of Louis Vuitton's new 2024 Spring/Summer collection displayed at Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul in Gangnam Distrcit, southern Seoul. [LOUIS VUITTON]

An image of Louis Vuitton's new 2024 Spring/Summer collection displayed at Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul in Gangnam Distrcit, southern Seoul. [LOUIS VUITTON]

The collection will be available at the brand’s flagship store, the Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul in Gangnam District, southern Seoul. Park’s work is also displayed at the flagship store along with the new collection.
Park was born in 1931 and died at the age of 91 on Oct. 14, 2023, after he announced that he was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier that year.  
He is one of the leading masters in the Korean modern art scene, especially in the dansaekhwa genre.
A leather bag inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

A leather bag inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

Leather goods inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

Leather goods inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

Sneakers inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

Sneakers inspired by late artist Park Seo-bo's ″Myobeob″ paintings, or ″Écriture″ in French, meaning “writing” [LOUIS VUITTON]

The artist’s works are centered on repetition and feature repeated layers of paint covered by pencil lines.
Park held solo exhibitions worldwide and received the highest honor among the cultural merit awards in 2021, the Korean government's Geumgwan (Gold Crown) Order of Culture Merit. Some of his pieces are held in famous museums including MoMA and the Guggenheim Museum in New York.
Louis Vuitton first collaborated with Park in 2022 when the artist designed the brand's ArtyCapucines handbags based on his "myobeob” series. The handbags were showcased at Paris+ par Art Basel the same year.
Actor Song Joong-ki stands next to one of late danseakhwa, or Korean monochrome painting, master Park Seo-bo's artwork, displayed at Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul in Gangnam Distrcit, southern Seoul. [LOUIS VUITTON]

Actor Song Joong-ki stands next to one of late danseakhwa, or Korean monochrome painting, master Park Seo-bo's artwork, displayed at Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul in Gangnam Distrcit, southern Seoul. [LOUIS VUITTON]

BY KIM JI-YE [kim.jiye@joongang.co.kr]
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