Musinsa holds season preview pop-up in Seongsu-dong this weekend

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Musinsa holds season preview pop-up in Seongsu-dong this weekend

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The exterior of Musinsa's ″25SS Musinsa Seaon Preview″ event [KIM JI-YE]

The exterior of Musinsa's ″25SS Musinsa Seaon Preview″ event [KIM JI-YE]

Fashion enthusiasts, make sure to visit this spot when visiting Seongsu-dong, one of Korea’s hottest shopping districts in eastern Seoul this weekend. 
Musinsa, the leading fashion e-commerce platform, just launched a pop-up store showcasing what styles to expect for the upcoming 2025 Spring/Summer (S/S) season, and it's only available to view until Sunday. 
The event is being held at the Musinsa Square Seongsu 4 in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul.
Dubbed the "25SS Musinsa Season Preview," the event highlights unreleased collections from 28 local brands, ranging from clothes to bags, and offers insights into key trends to watch for in the Korean fashion market. The S/S collection items displayed will be available for purchase on a later date.
The inside of ″25SS Musinsa Season Preview″ venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

The inside of ″25SS Musinsa Season Preview″ venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

25 S/S collection clothes are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

25 S/S collection clothes are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

Bags are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

Bags are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

The backdrops of the fitting rooms in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

The backdrops of the fitting rooms in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

This marks the third edition of Musinsa's season preview event since it was first held in September 2023. The event is part of Musinsa's "Product Planning Insight Program," aiming to support the growth of brands sold on its platform.
During the event, participating brands are able to receive on-site customer feedback and reviews, which they can incorporate before officially releasing them to the public. A QR code is placed on each product, directly sending visitors to the comment section. 
The 28 brands include Glack, Neikidnis, Romantic Move, Mac Moc, Insilence and many more. There are some 100 products on display, allowing visitors to see, touch and even try on items for themselves.
The venue is themed as a holiday resort. In the venue, fitting rooms with three different backdrops, aligning with its concept, are prepared for visitors use as backgrounds for photos.  
Additionally, various activities are planned for visitors, including a on-site raffle event and a social media posting event.
The raffle event in the venue of "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

The raffle event in the venue of "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

A mini-camera , provided at the venue, to take pictures for the "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" raffle event [KIM JI-YE]

A mini-camera , provided at the venue, to take pictures for the "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" raffle event [KIM JI-YE]

Visitors can participate in the on-site raffle event by taking product pictures with a mini camera provided at the venue and leaving feedback on a brand in the venue.
Musinsa also invited around 70 buyers from 40 international retail companies on Thursday before the event officially opened, marking the company's first such initiative. Notable retailers included Japanese select shops like United Arrows, Journal Standard and Auntie Rosa.
Shoes are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

Shoes are displayed in "25SS Musinsa Season Preview" venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

The initiative aimed to offer domestic designer brands the opportunity to connect with international buyers and explore overseas expansion, according to the e-commerce platform.
"We found that Japan's well-known boutiques showing a strong interest in K-fashion at the inaugural Buyer Day event, which was organized to support the overseas expansion of brands participating in the Season Preview,” Musinsa said in a press release. “We hope that the Season Preview will continue to support the experimentation and innovation of domestic designer brands and establish itself as a leading convention that contributes to the diversity of the fashion ecosystem.” 
An outside image of ″25SS Musinsa Season Preview″ venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]

An outside image of ″25SS Musinsa Season Preview″ venue in Seongsu-dong in Seongdong District, eastern Seoul. [KIM JI-YE]


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