Master the art of wearing hanbok: Four-day program for foreigners begins

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Master the art of wearing hanbok: Four-day program for foreigners begins

Deoksu Palace in March [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE]

Deoksu Palace in March [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE]

The government launched a four-day program to teach people how to wear hanbok, traditional Korean dress, properly.
Hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Craft and Design Foundation (KCDF), the program offers participants the opportunity to learn about and try on hanbok at the Jeongjodang and Junmyeongdang halls of Deoksu Palace.
The initiative aims to educate both foreigners residing in or visiting Korea on the correct way to wear hanbok. Additional related events will take place during Hanbok Culture Week in October at various locations.  

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Hanbok Ambassador Song So-hee, a renowned traditional folk singer, will participate in the event on Friday and capture the beauty of traditional hanbok in a video.
Hands-on experience booths will also be available on Sept. 7 and 8, allowing visitors to engage with the program. Participants can also enjoy a tour of the palace afterward.
“We hope this campaign will raise awareness of how to wear hanbok correctly and highlight its beauty. We expect this program to further the appreciation of hanbok culture,” said Chang Dong-kwang, head of KCDF. “We will continue to promote the beauty and significance of traditional hanbok in collaboration with local governments and cultural foundations.”
Online reservations for the Hanbok Experience/Education program at Deoksu Palace opened on Wednesday and have already sold out.  

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