MMCA co-hosts exhibition on National Academy of Arts' history

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MMCA co-hosts exhibition on National Academy of Arts' history

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″Untitled″ (c. 1990s) by Lee Shin-ja [MMCA]

″Untitled″ (c. 1990s) by Lee Shin-ja [MMCA]

The National Academy of Arts, Republic of Korea (NAA) and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) are co-hosting an exhibition on the NAA’s 70-year history.
Titled “Now, Connected,” the show will take place at the MMCA’s Deoksu Palace branch in central Seoul from Thursday to Oct. 13. 

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Since 1954, the NAA’s main mission has been to promote Korean culture, including literature, art, music, theater, film and dance.
The exhibition will feature 87 paintings and sculptures by 70 artists including Kim Whanki, Go Hui-dong and Lee Sang-beom, who were the founding members of the NAA.
Of the 70 founding members, there are 17 living members today.
Another section of the exhibition will consist of archival photographs that look back at the NAA’s seven-decade history.
The admission for "Now, Connected" is included with the entrance ticket for Deoksu Palace, which is 1,000 won ($0.75).

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