Edtech Korea Fair 2024 showcases new technology for learning

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Edtech Korea Fair 2024 showcases new technology for learning

Participants in Edtech Korea Fair 2024 at Coex in southern Seoul demo an English-teaching robot for children on Monday. [YONHAP]

Participants in Edtech Korea Fair 2024 at Coex in southern Seoul demo an English-teaching robot for children on Monday. [YONHAP]

Participants in Edtech Korea Fair 2024 at Coex in southern Seoul demo an English-teaching robot for children on Monday.
The exhibition showcases developments in technology designed to enhance learning in the classroom and at home, ranging from digital textbooks to AI-powered tutoring products. Some 170 businesses will put on booths at the event along with pavilions run by the Ministry of Education; the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. Seminars and panel discussions will cover the integration and utilization of technology in education, with awards also presented for innovation in the industry.
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