Mirae Asset Securities named 'best' in Korea by Euromoney

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Mirae Asset Securities named 'best' in Korea by Euromoney

  • 기자 사진
Mirae Asset Securities was named the “best securities house” in Korea by Euromoney, a monthly magazine covering global banking and finance, for the Euromoney Securities Houses Awards 2024.
Euromoney cited the following factors for Mirae Asset's latest recognition: the company's global expansion to secure growth drivers, diversification of its revenue stream, achievements in AI adoption and solid investment banking franchise.

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As part of its global expansion initiative, Mirae Asset announced its acquisition of Sharekhan, an Indian brokerage firm, through which the company expects to see an annual revenue growth of over 100 billion won ($74.9 million).  
In July, Mirae Asset Financial Group Chairman and founder Park Hyeon-joo was named the winner of the International Executive of the Year Award by the Academy of International Business. He is the second Korean to receive the award after the late SK Chairman Chey Jong-hyun, who was honored in 1995.

BY SHIN HA-NEE [shin.hanee@joongang.co.kr]
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