Dongsuh Foods caters to Korea with special projects

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Dongsuh Foods caters to Korea with special projects

Dongsuh Foods’ Dream Library program donates books to elementary school libraries around the country. [DONGSUH FOODS]

Dongsuh Foods’ Dream Library program donates books to elementary school libraries around the country. [DONGSUH FOODS]

In keeping with its motto “Dongsuh Foods adds fragrance to life,” the Korean food material manufacturer under the guidance of Chairman Kim Suk-soo is spreading the “aroma” of warmth and kindness by giving back to society with extended contributions to culture and the arts.
The biannual Scent of Life Dongsuh Literature Awards, the nation’s biggest award for amateur female writers, shines the spotlight on new and upcoming authors. Submissions for the 17th awards are open until Oct. 1 in the categories of poetry, essays, children’s literature and novels on any topic.
Entrants are supported throughout the submission process. Prominent authors share their know-how in “mentoring classes”, one-on-one consultation is available via the “mentoring message board”, and contestants can participate in a “literature camp.”
In June, well-known Korean authors shared their creative know-how, from the basics of writing to the actual writing process, with each of the four submission categories through mentoring classes.  
Author Kim Hong-shin, Dongsuh Literature Awards Head of Operations, and author Yun Jung-eun, the runner-up of the 11th Dongsuh Literature Awards, met with budding authors to ignite their creative spark at a “mentoring talk show.”
In July, the “mentoring message board” program offered one-on-one coaching, with established authors offering editing suggestions for works posted on the message board accessed through the awards’ official website. Some works were selected for advanced coaching, providing mentees with “mentoring tea time” via video call with a mentor.
In August, Dongsuh hosted a “literature camp” — an outdoor writing creative workshop — in the Paju Publishing Culture, Information and National Industrial Park’s Forest of Wisdom. Around 50 participants took part in different creative programs led by four mentors — poet Lee Byun-il, author Jeon Seok-soon, author Lee So-youn and author Jung Lan-Hee, as well as Dongsuh Literature Awards Head of Operations Kim Hong-shin.
For the past 25 years, Dongsuh foods has fostered the game of Go in Korea by sponsoring the Maxim Cup tournament, a prestigious event open only to professionals with the highest rank of 9 dan. The 25th Maxim Cup was held this January and ran for four months.  
Shin Jin-seo, who won in 2019 and 2023, finished first for the second time in a row, marking his third victory. Kim Myung-hun placed second, achieving such a strong finish on only his second try.
At a ceremony held on April 29, Shin was awarded the winning trophy and 50 million won ($37,600) and Kim was awarded a trophy and 20 million won.
Dongsuh also encourages children to dream big through books with the “Dongsuh Foods Dream Library” program, donating books and repairing libraries in elementary schools around the country. Starting in 2017 with Sangsan Elementary School in Jincheon, the company selects one beneficiary school each year.
This year, the eighth library to be selected was Daejeon Bongsan Elementary School on the recommendation of the city’s education office, which wanted to invigorate the students’ passion for reading by addressing the library’s old and sparse shelves. Dongsuh donated around 3,000 new books to Bongsan Elementary, replacing old facilities and expanding the library.
“We will continue contributing to the growth of Korea’s arts and culture and support budding creatives,” a Dongsuh Foods associate said.

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