K-campus partners with d.camp to offer internships for international students at 20 startups

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K-campus partners with d.camp to offer internships for international students at 20 startups

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A promotional image for the Global Intern for Startups program [KANG DONG-GEUN]

A promotional image for the Global Intern for Startups program [KANG DONG-GEUN]

The Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs (d.camp) has partnered with the Korea JoongAng Daily's K-campus to open startup internships for international students.
Through the Global Intern for Startups program, internships from 20 startups looking to hire foreign nationals are available on K-campus. Applications are accepted between Monday and Oct. 25. 
Applicants must be non-Korean nationals enrolled in a Korean university or have graduated from one and hold a D-10 or F-type visa. Applicants can apply to up to three of the 20 available startups.
The startups are specifically seeking international talent as they aim to go global or expand their overseas business.
Applicants unfamiliar with the startups can read about them on K-campus. 
A company briefing session will be hosted by d.camp on Nov. 1, where applicants can meet CEOs or employees of the startups they have applied to. Details on how to attend the session will be announced later.
The internships aim to exclusively hire foreign nationals, and Hirevisa, a company specializing in administrative support for foreign nationals, will assist startups with any visa issues during the hiring process.

BY LEE TAE-HEE [lee.taehee2@joongang.co.kr]
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