Academic misconduct on the rise as TOPIK test-takers hit new high

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Academic misconduct on the rise as TOPIK test-takers hit new high

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A test taker marks answers for the TOPIK test [JOONGANG ILBO]

A test taker marks answers for the TOPIK test [JOONGANG ILBO]

The number of TOPIK test-takers is on the rise, though this increased popularity has also led to a surge in academic misconduct cases.
In 2023, 421,174 people took the TOPIK exam, an 18 percent increase from the previous year. However, 422 individuals were caught for academic misconduct during the same period, a 76.6 percent rise on year.
The data, provided by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), was released by the office of Rep. Jung Eul-ho of the Democratic Party on Monday.
Most test-takers were caught writing answers on materials not provided by NIIED, the test organizer. Other offenses included proxy testing and cheating.
Of the 2023 academic misconduct cases, 208 occurred during tests held in Korea, a 15.6 percent increase from the previous year.
A total of 165 test-takers had their exam results nullified, with 34 prohibited from taking the test for the next two years and nine banned from taking it for four years.
Additionally, 214 cases of academic misconduct were reported during tests taken abroad, a 262.7 percent increase on year. Of these, 95 cases were from Vietnam, 70 from China and 30 from Uzbekistan.
Among overseas test-takers, 142 had their results nullified, 39 were banned from taking the test for two years, and 33 were prohibited from taking it for four years.
In the past four years, NIIED referred 25 serious academic misconduct cases to police, but all involved test-takers in Korea, with no investigations conducted abroad.
Although NIIED requested investigations for serious misconduct cases abroad, investigations could not proceed as the incidents did not meet the legal requirements in the host countries.
"The rising popularity of Korean learning due to Hallyu and K-pop is also leading to an increase in academic misconduct during TOPIK tests," said Rep. Jung. "We need to consider stricter measures, such as a one-strike policy where anyone caught cheating is disqualified from the exam and banned from retaking it."

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