Seoul Women’s University launches global commerce division for international students

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Seoul Women’s University launches global commerce division for international students

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Seoul Women's University students study at the university campus in Nowon District, northern Seoul. [SEOUL WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY]

Seoul Women's University students study at the university campus in Nowon District, northern Seoul. [SEOUL WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY]

Seoul Women's University announced Monday that it has created the Division of Global Commerce, an undergraduate department exclusively for international students. 
The Division of Global Commerce is the university's first international student-only department, with its inaugural class enrolling in the spring 2025 semester.
The department will offer two majors: the Global Business major and the K-Contents Media Industry major. Although specific curricula will be announced in the future, the two majors aim to train students to become experts in Korea's business and media industries.
Enrolled students will take Korean language classes and foundational courses in their freshman year, starting core courses in their sophomore year. Core courses taken in the junior and senior years will primarily be project-based classes, allowing students to develop practical career skills.
Various programs, such as writing workshops, special TOPIK lectures and career seminars, will also be provided to students.  
The university has three intakes for international undergraduate admissions. The first intake will accept applications between Sept. 24 and Oct. 17, while the second intake will accept applications between Nov. 12 and 28. The third intake is only for applicants currently in Korea and will accept applications between Jan. 7 and 16 next year.
To be eligible to apply, both the applicant and their parents must have non-Korean nationality. Students must either have a TOPIK level 3 or above or have completed a level 3 course or higher at a Korean university's language institute.
"The Division of Global Commerce is a department for international students, providing a curriculum tailored to foreigners and helping students secure jobs after graduation by offering career-focused education and counseling services," said Kim Myoung-suk, director of the university's Office of International Affairs.  
"We plan to add more majors under the Division of Global Commerce to enhance Seoul Women's University's global capacity."  

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