Today's Fortune: Oct. 1, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 1, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune. 
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 (Aug. 29 on the lunar calendar)


Wealth: diminishing
Health: caution  
Love: frustrating  
Lucky direction: east
1936: Parents can never win over their children.
1948: Avoid crowded places.
1960: There is no such thing as free lunch.
1972: Do not trust; doubt and doubt.
1984: Don’t be mushy and softhearted.
1996: Try not to stand out.

Wealth: diminishing
Health: fair
Love: discordant
Lucky direction: north
1937: You may think children are better without.
1949: Eat well even if you don’t have the appetite.
1961: Don’t receive or ask for favors.
1973: Old things are better than new ones.
1985: You may stumble upon a hassle or burden.
1997: Control your emotions.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: south
1938: Mingle with others.
1950: Your heart may be filled with joy.
1962: You may look forward to a rewarding and thankful day.
1974: Dreams do come true.
1986: You may find something you like and do well.
1998: Knock, and the door will open.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: fulfilling
Lucky direction: south
1939: Live with love and gratitude.
1951: When it comes to love, age is just a number.
1963: Care while you can.
1975: Listen to your spouse.
1987: If you have thoughts on having babies, this is the time.
1999: Giving can be happier than receiving when you’re in love.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: encountering
Lucky direction: north
1940: Do cardio excercise.
1952: You may hear news about your relatives.
1964: You should know when to step forward and back.
1976: New things can happen.
1988: You may confront a change in your situation.
2000: Speak in polite and decent language.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: east
1941: Eat well, and worry less.
1953: A routine day like any day.
1965: Don’t settle for today, look forward.
1977: Be prepared.
1989: Choose quality, if you can’t have both quality and quantity.
2001: You may waste valuable time on other people’s affairs.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: east
1942: What is familiar can be the best.
1954: Don’t stay in the past, live in the now.
1966: Give what must be given, take what must be taken.
1978: You may teach or help someone or receive some.
1990: Trust in your senior and obey.

Wealth: diminishing
Health: fair
Love: conflict
Lucky direction: west
1943: You may find the day troubling mentally and physically.
1955: Silence is golden as what you say will become rock-solid.
1967: Upstream must be clean for downstream to be clean.
1979: Don’t be too slow nor too fast.
1991: Don’t stand out or argue.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: west
1944: Your body and soul will be filled with joy.
1956: Aging is not a process of getting old, but getting better.
1968: Today is always the happiest.
1980: You may see or hear what you’ve been waiting for.
1992: You may do things you like.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1945: The day may bring meaning and joy.
1957: You may catch two rabbits — cause and gain — with one stone.
1969: You may reap what you have sowed.
1981: You may find work with vision.
1993: You are likely to discover rewards and joy while working.

Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: northwest
1946: You’ll arrive in Seoul whichever road you take.
1958: The more, the better.
1970: Heaven will help, if you do your best.
1982: You must be united as a team to survive and win.
1994: You'll get a pull from above and support on the side.

Wealth: diminishing
Health: mindful
Love: frustrating
Lucky direction: west
1935: What is sweet can be bad for your teeth.
1947: Your teeth can hurt if you don’t have lips.
1959: Too much is no better than too little.
1971: Anything too strong will break.
1983: You can’t get there unless you get near first.
1995: A sharp stone will be hit with the mason’s hammer.
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