Today's Fortune: Oct. 2, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 2, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune.
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 (Aug. 30 on the lunar calendar)


Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: jealous
Lucky direction: east 
1936: Stay back, and do not meddle.
1948: Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
1960: Keep the middle between two opposites.
1972: You may need to exercise your balancing act.
1984: Survive because life is all about competition.
1996: Contain yourself from bragging or being proud.


Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: north
1937: Do not overeat and eat healthy.
1949: Mindful spending can add a sparkle to life.
1961: You may see half of the success.
1973: Don’t hope, and don’t ask.
1985. You may hit upon a new task.
1997: Why not take interest in foreign things and language?

Wealth: not bad
Health: moderate
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: east
1938: What you give is what you get.
1950: You may build fondness for someone or something.
1962: What you feel, he or she will feel as well.
1974: You may settle a deal or an affair.
1986: You may find yourself doing what you like.
1998: You may feel hopeful about what you do.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: passionate
Lucky direction: west 
1939: Age is just a number.
1951: Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
1963: You’re your youngest today.
1975: Put your leadership skill into test.
1987: Be proud and adventurous.
1999: Passion is the prerogative of the young.
Wealth: diminishing
Health: fair
Love: discordant
Lucky direction: west 
1940: Relationships matter more than things.
1952: All 10 fingers hurt the same if you bite them.
1964: Keep low and stay quiet.
1976: Let the lady take the initiative.
1988: Take the long way even if it takes time.
2000: Concentrate on yourself.
Wealth: fair
Health: mindful
Love: inbound
Lucky direction: north 
1941: See a doctor if you feel sick.
1953: Don’t be afraid of aging.
1965: Take it slowly.
1977: You may come across a difference of opinions.
1989: You may hit upon a bothersome affair.
2001: Keep away from friends, stay alone.

Wealth: diminishing
Health: mindful
Love: gloomy
Lucky direction: north
1942: You must be healthy to live healthily.
1954: Talk less and listen more.
1966: Don’t ask for or receive favors.
1978: You may feel bored by an unchanging daily routine.
1990: Don’t set off on an uncharted path.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: east
1943: Money makes life happy.
1955: People live up to 100, and you’re just halfway. Do whatever you want to do.
1967: Dream can come true. You may arrive at your goal.
1979: Luck will be on your side, if you do your best.
1991: You may be filled with happiness.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1944: Get a popcorn because you’ll be lounging in front of the TV.
1956: Peaceful, but dull.
1968: There will be a downside as well as an upside.
1980: Try building relationships that are mutually beneficial and sustainable.
1992: Concentrate on one thing instead of many.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1945: You may feel young in an aged body.
1957: Grace serves age.
1969: Don’t dare, stay on the safe side.
1981: Go Dutch when dining with others.
1993: Information is power. Stock up on informational wealth.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: north
1946: You may see both an outflow and inflow in your wallet.
1958: There will be more gain than loss.
1970: Knock, and the door will open
1982: Pay interest in real estate and other asset investments.
1994: You may come upon extra income as you’re in for some fortune.
Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: north
1935: A happy family is the foundation of happiness.
1947: Heaven may be on your side.
1959: Push ahead with confidence.
1971: This is your day. You’re a winner.
1983: Two is better than one, and three is better than two.
1995: You may be infatuated, from head to toe. 
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