Today's Fortune: Oct. 8, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 8, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune. 

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024 (Sept. 6 on the lunar calendar)


Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1936: You may happily spend.
1948: You may come across something unexpected.
1960: You may spend as well as gain.
1972: Turn attention to investments.
1984: Seek progress in a reciprocal manner.
1996: Flexibility may be needed.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: west
1937: What a day, what a life.
1949: Something good may happen to your family.
1961: You’ve lived well, you deserve to be proud.
1973: You may feel proud and fulfilled.
1985: You may see hope.
1997: You may be filled with joy.
Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: feisty
Lucky direction: east
1938: Be careful not to get hurt.
1950: There is no such thing as a free lunch.
1962: Put off your decision for a while.
1974: Double doubt.
1986: Let your head judge, not your heart.
1998: Enjoy it if you can’t avoid it.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: north
1939: A day like any other day.
1951: Eat well, even if you don’t have the appetite.
1963: Relaxing, but a little bored.
1975: Stretch your body time to time.
1987: Trust by half and doubt with the other half.
1999: You may wrestle with your lazy side.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1940: A fun, exciting and refreshing day.
1942: The plan may run smoothly.
1964: Don’t put off what needs to be done today.
1976: You may win both the cause and the end.
1988: You may receive a good offer.
2000: You may receive helpful information.

Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: south
1941: A happy family is the foundation of happiness.
1953: You may hit it off.
1965: You may find work at the right place and the right time.
1977: You must unite as a team to succeed.
1989: You may get a pull from above and a push from below.
2001: Life feels good.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: jealous
Lucky direction: north
1942: The child is father of the man.
1954: Word travels fast.
1966: Don’t boast, be modest.
1978: You can guess the depth of water, but not a person’s mind.
1990: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Wealth: fair
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: west
1943: Follow your heart.
1955: Believe your instincts.
1967: There may be more gain than loss.
1979: You can never know a person’s heart.
1991: The beginning may be good, the middle difficult and the end good enough.
Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: colorful
Lucky direction: north
1944: Doubt anyone who is too friendly.
1956: There is no end without a cause.
1968: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
1980: Ask, even if you know the way.
1992: Well begun is half done — just start.

Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: passionate
Lucky direction: south
1945: Avoid crowded places.
1957: Think of your age and condition.
1969: A plan and reality may differ.
1981: Hide your potential even if you are confident.
1993: Keep your talent and flair to yourself.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: east
1946: Your life’s experience will shine in wisdom.
1958: You’re not getting old but completing your life as you age.
1970: Mutual interests may meet.
1982: Have the cake and eat it too.
1994: You may connect with someone in a higher rank.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: encountering
Lucky direction: south
1935: Now is better than then.
1947: Knock, and the door will open.
1959: You may see or hear good news.
1971: The day may be meaningful.
1983: The day may be productive and worthwhile.
1995: A helpful person or a pleasant affair may be coming your way.
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