Today's Fortune: Oct. 5, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 5, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune.
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2024 (Sept. 3 on the lunar calendar)


Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: west
1936: Try having a lively conversation.
1948: There may be more giving than taking.
1960: Don’t fret over petty gains.
1972: You may feel conscious about what you wear.
1984: You may be in a pickle.  
1996: You wish to know how someone else feels.  

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: understanding
Lucky direction: south
1937: Blood is thicker than water.
1949: Too many cooks spoil the broth.
1961: No parent can win over their children.
1973: You may spend more than you planned.
1985: Hard work could be rewarding.
1997: Don’t be fretful, be big-hearted.

Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: east  
1938: The more the merrier.  
1950: You may expect a full house.
1962: Family should stick together to solve things together.
1974: Capture the precious moment with a photo.
1986: Happy family is the foundation of happiness.
1998: You’ll be infatuated from head to toe.  

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: jealous  
Lucky direction: south
1939: Kill your enemy with kindness.
1951: Save words, not money.
1963: The habit of a three-year-old can last till the age of 100.
1975: A character can stay for life.
1987: Don’t keep your hopes up.
1999: Keep silent, because what you say can be fixated.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: compassionate
Lucky direction: east
1940: Spend well instead of saving well.
1952: Try to understand younger people better.
1964: Try standing in the other person’s shoes.
1976: Go if you are invited.
1988: Respect tradition and the elderly.
2000: Wear something blue.

Wealth: outgoing  
Health: mindful
Love: discordant  
Lucky direction: north
1941: You may be frustrated to see them, but wonder about them if you don’t.  
1953: Children are yours only until they are under your roof.
1965: To lose is to win.
1977: Be punctual.  
1989: Spend according to your financial capacity.
2001: Don’t be a slave to your emotions.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: north
1942: The more the better, when it comes to wealth and family.
1954: A tree is known by its fruit.
1966: Two is better than one, and three are better than two.
1978: Stand together to fight and win.
1990: Go out or take a drive to the countryside.  

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: compassionate
Lucky direction: west
1943: Sit back and enjoy the ride.
1955: Don’t meddle, have some trust and wait.
1967: Don’t let petty things get to you.
1979: Consult with the other family members on family affairs.
1991: Be empathetic toward the other person.  
Wealth: not bad  
Health: modest  
Love: encountering
Lucky direction: east
1944: You spend a little and gain a little.
1956: You may hear news about your relatives or meet with them.
1968: You may get invited or have an appointment.  
1980: Go on a trip with the family.
1992: Go on a date if you’re not married, or an outing if you are.
Wealth: not bad  
Health: modest  
Love: blissful  
Lucky direction: east
1945: You may have luck with fortune.
1957: You may happily spend your money.
1969: The day will be perfect.
1981: You may come upon a happy encounter or a new thing.
1993: Life may be brimming with happiness.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: passionate  
Lucky direction: south
1946: Don’t think too hard. Think simply.
1958: Even if you think you can, don’t attempt backbreaking labor.
1970: Take command over household affairs.
1982: Set a goal according to your capabilities.
1994: Be confident, but stay modest and prudent.

Wealth: fair  
Health: fair  
Love: fulfilling  
Lucky direction: west
1935: Too much love can be toxic.
1947: Material expression does not represent love.
1959: What is good is good.
1971: Respect what your spouse says.
1983: Blood is thicker than water.
1995: Love modestly. 
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