Naver Map adds translations for reviews and search filters in English, Chinese and Japanese

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Naver Map adds translations for reviews and search filters in English, Chinese and Japanese

Naver Map's customer review translated into English, Chinese and Japanese [NAVER]

Naver Map's customer review translated into English, Chinese and Japanese [NAVER]

Naver's Map app now offers translations for customer reviews and search filters in English, Chinese and Japanese. 
These multi-language services will be automatically available based on users’ smartphone language settings or can be manually adjusted within the app, Naver said on Wednesday.

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These new features complement the app’s existing navigation services, which are already available in four languages, including Korean. Customer reviews are translated using Naver’s AI-based Papago translation service, allowing foreign users to gain insights from local reviews. 
The translated search filters, known as “Place filters,” will help users find specific types of restaurants or services, such as cuisine type, dining atmosphere or amenities, in the three additional languages. Other filters include options like solo dining, photo-friendly spots or special menus.  
Naver Map's place filter feature [NAVER]

Naver Map's place filter feature [NAVER]

Initially, the feature will focus on popular cuisines favored by foreign users, with plans to expand the options over time. Naver also plans to introduce keyword-based review filters that align with a restaurant’s characteristics, as reflected in its customer reviews.
Since launching its multi-language navigation service in 2018, Naver Map has continuously looked to improve its offerings for foreign users, according to Naver. The app now includes detailed pages on opening hours, restaurant features and various services.
The expansion of these multi-language services has led to a rise in foreign users. Naver reported that the average monthly number of daily active users utilizing the foreign language service increased by 26.4 percent in September compared to the same month last year.
“Naver Map has become an essential tool for international travelers in Korea, providing both exploration and navigation services,” said Choi Seung-rak, head of Naver Map services. “With the new multilingual filters and translated customer reviews, we now offer most of the information foreign users need to explore new locations."
He added, "We will continue to monitor the needs of our international users to further enhance the service.”

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