Today's Fortune: Oct. 9, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 9, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune.  
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2024 (Sept. 7 on the lunar calendar)
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: encountering  
Lucky direction: west
1936: There are things to learn even in old age.
1948: Good things may be in store.
1960: A good day to shop.
1972: Go shopping or see a show.
1984: Consider the cost and satisfaction when shopping.
1996: Go on a date or meet friends.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1937: You tilt toward who is closer to you.
1949: You may look forward to a happy moment.
1961: A perfect day.
1973: You may happily spend.
1985: Don’t work. Relax with your family.
1997: Act out on what you’ve been planning to do.  
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: north  
1938: What’s ours is the best.
1950: The morning is better than the afternoon.
1962: You may find luck when you hoist the national flag.
1974: You may be giving rather than taking.
1986: Wear something casual.
1998: Love our language and our things.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving  
Lucky direction: east
1939: Drink warm tea or water often.
1951: Take a bath.
1983: Read something classic or religious.
1975: Enjoy a hobby or leisure.
1987: Value tradition and old things.
1999: Use agreeable and decent language.  
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: east
1940: You may be gifted or entertained by your children.
1952: A little spending can add sparkle to your day.
1964: You may reach your goal and feel rewarded.
1976: A relaxing and pleasant day.
1988: Dine out or drive out.
2000: You may be lucky in fortune and relationship.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: jealous
Lucky direction: north
1941: You’re better off not knowing.
1953: When you bite 10 fingers, they will all hurt the same.
1965: Silence is golden, as what you say can harden like a rock.
1977: Don’t boast, be modest.
1989: Don’t do too well or too poorly. Just stay average.
2001: You lose if you envy.
Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: south
1942: Everything has its place.
1954: The more, the better with family members.
1966: God will take your side if you do your best.
1978: You may be content through and through.
1990: Hearts may meet.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: west
1943: You may hear good news.
1955: You may invite someone or get invited.
1967: You may be venturing out or meeting someone.
1979: Go out with your spouse or family.
1991: You may happily spend on a good time or thing.
Wealth: lessening
Health: modest
Love: frustrating
Lucky direction: south
1944: Don’t expect or hope for a return.
1956: You may find reality different from your plans or expectations.
1968: No parents can win over their children.
1980: Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
1992: Yield even if you may lose some.  
Wealth: fair
Health: mindful
Love: frustrating
Lucky direction: north
1945: Be careful not to get injured.
1957: You may spend more than expected.
1969: Choose quality if you can’t have both quality and quantity.
1981: Leave a little early to be on time.
1993: Make time and space for yourself.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: east
1946: You may be filled with joy.
1958: You may be brimming with happiness.
1970: La vie en rose.
1982: Capture the beautiful moment in a photo.
1994: A lovely moment with a lovely person.
Wealth: not bad
Health: modest  
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: south
1935: You may be lucky in wealth.
1947: Someone is more important than something.
1959: You may have to make happy choices.
1971: Spend well rather than saving well.
1983: You may hear from your relatives or receive good news.
1995: Challenge with confidence.
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