Busan bus bite perpetrator under investigation by police

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Busan bus bite perpetrator under investigation by police

Picture of the assaulted grandmother's bitten arm [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Picture of the assaulted grandmother's bitten arm [SCREEN CAPTURE]

A 20-year-old woman is being investigated for allegedly assaulting a four-year-old and his grandmother on a bus in Busan on Wednesday.
The boy's mother posted online that the woman hit the child across the face multiple times, making the child allegedly bleed from both his nostrils. When the grandmother tried to stop her, the woman bit her on the arm. 

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Surrounding passengers helped restrain the woman and reported the incident to the police.  
Busan Busanjin Police Station said it is currently investigating the woman without detention on Friday.  

The woman is charged with assaulting the child and his 60-year-old grandmother while on a city bus near Gaya Station in Busanjin District, Busan. 
The case became viral online when the child’s mother posted the incident on a community website, according to local media reports. 
Police said they are considering also charging the woman for violating the Child Welfare Act and the Welfare of Senior Citizens Act as well.

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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