Wild boar hunter accidentally shoots companion in head in Gyeonggi

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Wild boar hunter accidentally shoots companion in head in Gyeonggi

Footage of a wild boar. The picture is unrelated to the story. [NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES]

Footage of a wild boar. The picture is unrelated to the story. [NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES]

A hunter allegedly shot and killed a companion by accident while hunting wild boars on a road in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi.  
According to the Yeoncheon Police Precinct, a man in his 40s shot his companion — also a man in his 40s — in the head on a road in Yeoncheon at around 11:30 p.m. on Sunday.  

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The victim was transported to the hospital in a state of cardiac arrest but succumbed to his wounds.
Three hunters, who were part of the Yeoncheon’s animal control team, were out on the deadly night after receiving a report of a wild boar sighting.  
The police said the victim was not carrying a firearm at the time and was in charge of installing a thermal imaging camera to detect the wild boars.  
The man and one other hunter were found to have carried hunting shotguns as per procedure.
During the investigation, the man told police that, due to the darkness, he had mistaken his companion for a wild boar. 
The police charged the man with death by occupational negligence. 

BY KIM MIN-YOUNG [kim.minyoung5@joongang.co.kr]
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