Merck Korea opens chip R&D center in Gyeonggi

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Merck Korea opens chip R&D center in Gyeonggi

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Participants of Merck Korea's opening ceremony of its SOD Application Center attend a tape-cutting event in Anseong, Gyeonggi on Thursday. Participants include Kai Beckmann, CEO of Merck Electronics, seventh from left, and Kim Dong-yeon, Gyeonggi governor, sixth from left. The SOD Application Center is dedicated to doing research and development of the "Spin On Dielectric," a core insulator required in both logic and memory processors. [MERCK KOREA]

Participants of Merck Korea's opening ceremony of its SOD Application Center attend a tape-cutting event in Anseong, Gyeonggi on Thursday. Participants include Kai Beckmann, CEO of Merck Electronics, seventh from left, and Kim Dong-yeon, Gyeonggi governor, sixth from left. The SOD Application Center is dedicated to doing research and development of the "Spin On Dielectric," a core insulator required in both logic and memory processors. [MERCK KOREA]

Participants of Merck Korea's opening ceremony of its SOD Application Center attend a tape-cutting event in Anseong, Gyeonggi on Thursday. 
Participants include Kai Beckmann, CEO of Merck Electronics, seventh from left, and Kim Dong-yeon, Gyeonggi governor, sixth from left. 
The SOD Application Center is dedicated to conducting research and development of the "Spin On Dielectric," a core insulator required in both logic and memory processors. 

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