Samsung SDI holds recruitment fair in London

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Samsung SDI holds recruitment fair in London

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Samsung SDI CEO Choi Yoon-ho gives a keynote speech about the company's vision at the Tech & Career Forum held in London on Saturday. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI CEO Choi Yoon-ho gives a keynote speech about the company's vision at the Tech & Career Forum held in London on Saturday. [SAMSUNG SDI]

Samsung SDI, the battery manufacturing arm of Samsung Electronics, hosted a recruitment event in London aimed at attracting advanced degree holders to expand its pool of global talent.
The company invited some 60 professionals with master’s or doctorate degrees from leading universities such as the University of Cambridge, Oxford University, the Technical University of Munich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne to its Tech & Career Forum held in London on Saturday.

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Key executives including CEO Choi Yoon-ho gave keynote speeches on Samsung SDI’s visions, achievements and strategies, while a separate exhibition space was set up at the event entrance to display the company’s key products, such as solid-state batteries.
Attendees were able to choose various tech sessions that matched their areas of interest that were held throughout the day and participated in open question-and-answer sessions with Samsung SDI executives.
“The most important factor for the company’s growth and future is investing in talent, and we will do our best to create an environment at Samsung SDI where this talent can fully realize their dreams and potential,” Choi said to give encouragement to the attendees. “Let’s create the future of Samsung SDI together, with you as the main protagonists.”
The Tech & Career Forum was held in London for the third time this year, following events in Seoul and Boston in August.

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