Samsung hints at slimmer Galaxy Fold launch in 12-second teaser video

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Samsung hints at slimmer Galaxy Fold launch in 12-second teaser video

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Samsung Electronics teased the launch of a new Galaxy product through an 12-second video on Thursday.

The teaser features a white envelope being slid under a door, with the letter inside reading "You're Invited."

Samsung is rumored to release a special edition of its Galaxy Fold series, which is speculated to be slimmer than the original.  
According to local reports and industry insiders, the special edition, named Galaxy Z Fold Special Edition, will have a thickness of 10.6 millimeters (0.4 inches) when folded and 4.9 millimeters when unfolded. This makes it 1.5 millimeters thinner when folded and 0.7 millimeters slimmer when unfolded compared to the Galaxy Z Fold 6 released earlier this year.

The slimmer version is expected to help Samsung boost its market share in the foldable smartphone market, which has seen increased competition from Chinese players in recent years.   
Samsung, which pioneered the foldable smartphone market, held 80 percent of the segment in 2022, but its share dropped to 50.4 percent as of early June this year, with Huawei, Motorola and Honor gaining ground, according to TrendForce data.
The specs and photo of the new Galaxy product will be unveiled on Oct. 21 on website while the launch will take place on the 25th, Samsung Electronics said.  

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