Anyang shares culture with foreign students with annual 'Fam Tour'

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Anyang shares culture with foreign students with annual 'Fam Tour'

Anyang Mayor Choi Dae-ho, center, and participating students of annual “Hello, Anyang! Fam Tour” pose for a photo [ANYANG CITY GOVERNMENT]

Anyang Mayor Choi Dae-ho, center, and participating students of annual “Hello, Anyang! Fam Tour” pose for a photo [ANYANG CITY GOVERNMENT]

The Anyang City Government organized its annual “Hello, Anyang! Fam Tour" for international students, enabling them to explore and connect with Korean culture.
Twenty-eight foreign students currently studying at universities in the city visited key attractions during the two-day tour held on Wednesday and Thursday, according to the city government on Friday.

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The city government has been hosting the tour since 2016 to enhance the city’s image and encourage repeat visits by providing students with a guided tour of the city.
On Wednesday, participants visited the Smart City Integration Center as well as the exhibition “Variations of Anyang: Reaching Anyang" currently featured at the Anyang Museum in celebration of the its 20th anniversary. The exhibition showcases local artifacts from the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) to the modern age.
Students also participated in a pottery-making class at Anyang Art Park.
On Thursday, the students immersed themselves in Korean culture by learning formal tea-drinking etiquette while dressed in hanbok, traditional Korean garments, and tried archery at a local archery center.
“Foreign students are the talent who will shape the future of their countries once they return after completing their studies in Korea,” said Anyang Mayor Choi Dae-ho, encouraging them to share the Korean culture they experienced while living in the city.

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