Rock band YB to perform two shows at Japanese ‘K-Music’ festival

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Rock band YB to perform two shows at Japanese ‘K-Music’ festival



Korean rock band YB will perform at the Japan-based “Top Artist of K-Music” festival, which is geared toward promoting up-and-coming Korean artists, in Osaka and Tokyo on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively.

Through its signature rock sounds, YB will showcase its talent and mark of differentiation from other K-pop artists and idol groups.

The quintet consists of lead singer Yoon Do-hyun, guitarists Heo Joon and Scott Hellowell, bassist Park Tae-hee and drummer Kim Jin-won.

YB made its debut in 1997 with the album “Yoon Do-hyun and Band.”

The rock group is notable in Korea for its performances on the MBC singing survival show “I Am a Singer.” The band also frequently performs concerts in Korea, having just wrapped up a tour in December.

Yoon, the 40-year-old lead singer, is also famous for hosting a variety of shows on Korean television.

He is currently the MC on the singing shows “K-Pop Star” and “Yoon Do-hyun’s Must.”
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