Louis Vuitton launches new Gangnam store

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Louis Vuitton launches new Gangnam store


Actor Jung Woo-sung poses for cameras at the opening party of a Louis Vuitton store in Horim Art Center on July 5, 2013, in southern Seoul. [NEWSIS]

A slew of celebrities gathered on July 5 at Horim Arts Center located in Sinsa-dong, southern Seoul for the opening event of a Louis Vuitton store.

Ahn Joo-hee [estyle@joongang.co.kr]

Choi Ji-woo waves for cameras in a vivid yellow dress at the opening party of a Louis Vuitton store at Horim Art Center on July 5, 2013 in southern Seoul. [NEWSIS]


T.O.P of Big Bang poses for cameras at the opening party of a Louis Vuitton store at Horim Art Center on July 5, 2013 in southern Seoul. [NEWSIS]


. Actor Lee Byung-hun poses for cameras at the opening party of Louis Vuitton store in the Horim Art Center on July 5, 2013 in southern Seoul. [NEWSIS]

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