Girl group Kara to release new music in July

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Girl group Kara to release new music in July

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Girl group Kara [RBW]

Girl group Kara [RBW]

Girl group Kara is making a comeback with new music in July for the first time in a year and eight months, its agency RBW said Tuesday.
Kara last released its album "Move Again" in November 2022 to celebrate its 15th anniversary since debut. Lead track “When I Move” garnered positive reviews from both the general public and fans of the group.
The group is best known for hits “Pretty Girl” (2008), “Honey” (2008), “Mr.” (2009), “Step” (2011) and “Pandora” (2012). Its megahit “Mr.” was a major contributor to the rise of K-pop and Hallyu, Korean pop culture, in Japan, leading Kara to become the first Korean girl group to host a solo concert at the Tokyo Dome.
The girl group is set to perform in Tokyo and Osaka in August.

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