Stars come out for Omega watch collection

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Stars come out for Omega watch collection


Actress Lee Yo-won shows the back of her black sheer dress at an exhibition of watches organized by watchmaker Omega in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, on Monday. [NEWSIS]

Many celebrities came to Cheongdam-dong in southern Seoul to take a look at an exhibition of watches organized by watchmaker Omega on Monday. Actor Kwon Sang-woo of SBS drama “King of Ambition,” actress Lee Yo-won of ongoing SBS drama “Empire of Gold” and many other posed for media before they saw the collection.

By Lee Sun-min []

Actor Yoo Ah-in of SBS drama “Fashion King” poses for the camera at an exhibition of watches organized by watchmaker Omega in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, on Monday.[NEWSIS]


Actor Kwon Sang-woo waves for fans at an exhibition of watches organized by watchmaker Omega in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul, on Monday.[NEWSIS]


Actress Kim Sa-rang of TV drama “Secret Garden” touches her hair as she poses for the camera at an exhibition of watches organized by watchmaker Omega in Cheongdam-dong, southern Seoul on Monday.[NEWSIS]

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