Singer resurfaces after loss

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Singer resurfaces after loss

Singer Baek Ji-young, who suffered a miscarriage in June, has re-emerged online, communicating with fans.

Baek posed a message on Twitter cheering on Yu Seong-eun, a former contestant of a music audition program, after Yu released her debut song “Be OK” on Monday. Baek asked her fans to have a listen to the song.

One fan sent Baek a Tweet wishing her well and good health, which Baek then answered.

“I’m sorry to have worried you,” Baek wrote.

Baek, who coached Yu during the audition program, also worked as a visual consultant for Yu, helping her with her overall fashion, hair, makeup and choreography.

Yu will release a video of her performing “Be OK” live on an EP later this year.

By Lee Sun-min
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