MBC sending stars to war

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MBC sending stars to war

MBC’s military-themed reality program “Real Men” could be poised to get a lot more real - the broadcaster is thinking about sending its entertainer-recruits to overseas war zones.

Although no details have been set yet, an official at MBC was quoted in local media as saying that the international dispatch could happen as early as October.

The “Real Men” producers reportedly have had plans to send its stars abroad since the start of the program, but have been cautious because of safety concerns.

They also need to talk with the Ministry of National Defense to get approval as the plan would involve real soldiers.

Among the locations under consideration - all places where the Korean military is currently operating - are Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates.

“Real Men” currently features actor Jang Hyuk, Australian comedian Sam Hammington and other entertainers experiencing enlisted life on Korean military bases.

By Lee Sun-min
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