'My Unfamiliar Family' asks how well do we know the people we live with?
Published: 26 Jul. 2020, 18:08
![Actor Won Mi-kyung on the set of the drama series ’My Unfamiliar Family“ on tvN. [TVN]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2020/07/26/10d852f6-e400-49de-9929-1b86f73372af.jpg)
Actor Won Mi-kyung on the set of the drama series ’My Unfamiliar Family“ on tvN. [TVN]
TvN's recent drama series “My Unfamiliar Family” received accolades from viewers for its realistic portrayal of a family, which questioned what really defines a family and how much we know about the people we live with.
Its Korean title “We Know Nothing About Each Other But We’re a Family” perfectly encapsulates the message the drama wants to deliver to its viewers.
While packed with the clichés of a drama series, from a secret birth to amnesia and divorce, “My Unfamiliar Family” actually resonated with many viewers.
It made the best use of such dramatic devices to present a clear picture of a family that often hurts each other because of both minor and complex reasons.
![Won plays Jin-sook, a devoted mother of three children, in ’My Unfamiliar Family.“ [TVN]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2020/07/26/96d8813a-e516-4cdf-937e-069ecc1dd7b3.jpg)
Won plays Jin-sook, a devoted mother of three children, in ’My Unfamiliar Family.“ [TVN]
Well-written scripts and the meaty performance of actors allowed viewers to focus on the drama's message.
Among the cast who perfectly embodied the message of the writer on the screen, was actress Won Mi-kyung who played the role of Jin-sook, the matriarch of the family.
The JoongAng Ilbo talked with Won over the phone on July 16. The 60-year-old actress was scheduled to leave for Gainesville, Virginia, a day after the phone interview.
She had been living in Seoul since February to shoot the drama series but spoke with her own family via video calls everyday.
“As I began this drama series, our conversations changed a lot. I came to say ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ more often than before. This drama made me put myself in other families’ shoes.”
She continued, “I’ve been thinking all my life that I’ve done my part for the family. I thought I sacrificed myself to them and did everything I could do for them but this story made me see my family from a different point of view. I think my husband must have had difficult times and the children also struggled to do their part.”
Just like Won, Jin-sook is a devoted mother. She married Sang-sik, a truck driver, and raised three children. She is suspicious that her husband may be cheating on her.
But she can’t confront Sang-sik because she feels indebted to her husband. Jin-sook was a single mother when she tied the knot with Sang-sik, who also thinks Jin-sook is in touch with the biological father of Eun-joo, the first child of the couple, but Sang-sik can’t openly ask about that because he feels inferior to Eun-joo's real father.
The story reaches its climax as Sang-sik releases his anger onto his family in self-destructive ways.
In the drama series, there is a scene where Chan-hyuk asks Eun-hee, the second child of Jin-sook, “Do you know what the real problems of a family are? They don’t talk [to each other]. If they talk, they could solve the problems and dust everything off, but they don’t and the problems are caked with dirt and become sticky so you can’t get rid of them in the end.”
Won received scripts from the first to the fourth episodes via email when she was staying in the States. “I could relate to the story. As I turned 60, I had so many questions for the family inside of me. The timing was good.
“My husband and I once talked about how nice would it be if we could revisit our 20s and live just a single day again. There was a similar scene in the drama series, so I was surprised.”
Won’s husband, Lee Chang-sun, used to work as a drama producer at MBC. He produced hit drama series including “Cinderella” (1997) and “Snowman” (2003). He flew to the States in 2017 and was ordained as a pastor.
Won and Lee first met on the set of the period drama series “Imjin War” (1985-1986) and walked down the aisle in 1987. The two have three children together.
Having debuted in 1978 through an audition held by now-defunct broadcasting station TBC, Won was a prolific actress who was widely loved by drama fans.
But she left for the States with her family after appearing in the 2002 drama series “Confession.” After the last drama series, it took 14 years for Won to make a comeback in 2016.
When asked to define an ideal family, Won said, “A family that accepts each other as they are.”
She continued, “I’ve been thinking of family as a melting pot. All the ingredients blend and they become one. That was my definition of a family but now I want to see it as a salad bowl. A salad bowl where each piece of the ingredient keeps its flavor. My three children are all different. I used to reprimand them with my standards but as I was filming this drama, I thought to myself that I have to acknowledge them the way they are.”
Won shared some behind-the-scene anecdotes while shooting the drama series.
“I think I have to talk with my children just I as did with [Han] Ye-ri,” said Won. Han played the role of Eun-hee in the drama series.
“I should talk about silly things, not serious stuff [with my children.] I used to speak like I was delivering a sermon or tried to instruct them. I believed it was my role. But looking back, I must have suffocated them.”
![Won’s wrinkled face was acclaimed by viewers for her natural portrayal of a 60-something mother. Won said she liked the wrinkled face of Audrey Hepburn she saw from the screen when she was young. [SCREEN CAPTURE]](https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/data/photo/2020/07/26/f0f88c3b-109c-4690-b121-a070a33c8340.jpg)
Won’s wrinkled face was acclaimed by viewers for her natural portrayal of a 60-something mother. Won said she liked the wrinkled face of Audrey Hepburn she saw from the screen when she was young. [SCREEN CAPTURE]
When the drama aired from June 1 to July 21, many viewers talked about Won’s wrinkled face because it is rare to see an actress with wrinkles in a society where a younger-looking, wrinkle-free face is often admired.
“I’ve never gotten rid of moles on my skin. I believe actors should do this because our job is to act naturally.”
Won’s immediate plan is to spend time with her family. All her children are all grown-up so they do not need Won’s care that much, but she said, “I don’t do special things for them but I think moms need to stay close to their children. I have to assist my husband in running his small church, too.
“But if a good story comes to me one day, I’ll be making a comeback in acting.”
BY LEE JI-YOUNG [[email protected]]
‘가족입니다’ 엄마 원미경 “가족은 멜팅 팟이 아니라 샐러드 볼”
21일 종영하는 tvN 월화드라마 ‘(아는 건 별로 없지만) 가족입니다’는 분명 따뜻한 가족드라마지만, 뻔한 가족드라마가 아니다. 출생의 비밀과 기억상실증, 동성애와 졸혼 등 자극적인 설정이 도처에 있는데도, 결국 시청자들의 마음에 남는 건 각자 ‘내 가족’의 현실이다. 잘잘못을 따질 수 없는 사소하고도 복잡한 이유로 서로에게 깊은 상처를 주는 가족의 속성을 꿰뚫어 보여줘서다.
그 진한 여운의 중심에 서있는 엄마 진숙 역의 배우 원미경(60)을 지난 16일 전화통화로 만났다. 미국 버지니아주 게인스빌의 집으로 가기 하루 전날이었다. 2월부터 한국에 혼자 머무르며 매일 미국의 가족들과 화상 통화를 했다는 그는 “드라마 촬영을 하면서 통화 내용이 달라졌다. 가족들에게 고맙다, 미안하다는 말을 많이 하게 됐다”고 털어놨다. “다른 가족 구성원의 입장이 한번 돼볼 기회를 드라마가 만들어준 것 같다”면서다.
“가족들을 위해 내가 할 수 있는 만큼 다 했다고 생각했거든요. 내가 희생하고 노력해서 힘들게 다 해줬다고 생각을 했는데, 이번 드라마를 하면서 그동안 남편도 얼마나 힘들었을까, 아이들도 할 수 있는 만큼 다 했구나 깨닫게 된 거죠.”
드라마 속의 진숙도 헌신적인 엄마다. 트럭운전사 상식(정진영)과 결혼해 은주(추자현)·은희(한예리)·지우(신재하) 남매를 키우는 일에 최선을 다한다. 남편이 ‘두집 살림’을 하는 것으로 오해하지만 따져묻지 못했다. 미혼모로 결혼했다는 자격지심에 원망과 슬픔을 숨긴 채 산다. 남편 상식 역시 진숙이 은주의 친부와 연락하며 지낸다고 오해하지만, 학력 콤플렉스 때문에 이를 드러내지 못한다. 그 분노를 가부장적이고 자기 파괴적인 방식으로 풀면서 가족관계는 파국으로 치닫는다. “가족의 문제가 뭔지 알아? 할 말을 안 하는 거야. 먼지처럼 털어낼 수 있는 일을 세월에 묵혀서 찐득찐득하게 굳게 해”라는 은희 친구 찬혁(김지석)의 말이 딱 맞는 사례다.
종영까지 2회를 남긴 ‘가족입니다’는 그 오해를 걷어내고 서로의 진심을 마주한 이들이 어떻게 회복되고 변화하는지, 그 과정을 담고 있다. 미국에서 e메일로 1~4회 대본을 받아보고 출연을 결심했다는 원미경은 “너무 마음에 와 닿았다. 나이 60이 되면서 가족이 뭘까, 내가 가족 구성원으로 어떻게 살아왔나, 그런 생각을 하고 있을 때였다. 타이밍이 참 묘하게 맞았다”고 했다. 또 “남편과 ‘우리 젊었을 때, 처음 만났을 때로 하루만이라도 돌아가보고 싶다’라는 말을 하곤 했는데, 드라마에서 남편이 스물 두살로 돌아가는 게 신기했다”고 덧붙였다.
그의 남편은 드라마 ‘애인’(1996), ‘신데렐라’(1997), ‘눈사람’(2003) 등을 연출한 이창순 전 MBC PD다. 2017년 미국에서 목사 안수를 받은 뒤 현재 목회자로 활동한다. 드라마 ‘임진왜란’(1985~1986) 때 배우와 조연출로 처음 만난 두 사람은 1987년 결혼해 1남 2녀를 뒀다.
1978년 TBC 공채 탤런트로 데뷔한 원미경은 드라마 ‘사랑과 진실’(1984), 영화 ‘단지 그대가 여자라는 이유만으로’(1990) 등으로 절정의 인기를 누렸다. 2002년 드라마 ‘고백’ 이후 도미, 2016년 ‘가화만사성’으로 활동을 재개하기까지 14년의 공백기가 있었다. 이번 드라마는 tvN 드라마 ‘세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별’ 이후 3년 만의 출연작이다.
그가 생각하는 행복한 가족은 “서로 있는 그대로 봐주는 가족”이다. “전 사실 가족은 ‘멜팅 팟’이라고 생각했어요. 모든 재료가 완전히 녹아서 하나가 돼버리는 것. 그게 가족이라고 생각했는데, 이제 ‘아, 샐러드 볼로 봐야 하는구나’ 싶어요. 하나씩 조각이 나서 각각의 맛을 내는 샐러드 볼이요. 원래 미국의 이민사회를 말하는 비유인데, 가족도 마찬가지인 것 같네요. 우리 애들 셋도 각각이에요. 거기에 내 기준을 내세우며 비난했죠. 각각을 인정해야겠다는 생각을 이 작품을 찍으며 하게 됐어요.”
작품 속 3남매에 대해선 “가족을 떠나려 결혼을 선택했다는 큰딸 은주한테 마음이 가장 쓰이고, 막내 지우의 어설픈 변명에 마음이 짠했다”고 했다. 은희 역 한예리 배우와 밥 먹으며 얘기한 일도 즐거운 시간이었다.
“우리 애들하고도 예리와 얘기하듯 해야겠어요. 심각하지 않고 재미있는 얘기, 허접한 얘기를 좀 하려고요. 그동안은 훈계하고 가르치려 했고, 그게 열심히 사는 거라 생각했는데, 애들이 얼마나 숨 막혔을까. 그런 게 너무 미안하네요.”
그는 이번 작품에서 주름을 드러낸 자연스러운 외모로도 화제가 됐다. 시술하지 않은, 나이에 맞는 얼굴이 오히려 신기해진 세태의 반영이다. 평생 “점도 하나 안 빼봤다”는 그는 “배우는 그래야 한다고 생각한다”고 말했다. “자연스러운 연기를 해야 하는 게 배우”이기 때문이다.
당분간 미국에서 가족들과 생활에 집중할 계획이다. 결혼한 큰딸 등 세 자녀 모두 성인이 됐지만 “크게 해주는 건 없어도 엄마가 옆에는 있어 줘야 된다”고 생각해서다. 그는 “개척교회의 목사 사모 역할도 해야 한다”면서 “그러다 ‘정말 좋다’라는 느낌이 드는 작품을 만날 때 또 연기자로 돌아오겠다”고 말했다.
이지영 기자
with the Korea JoongAng Daily
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