Samsung not named as 'gatekeeper' by European Commission

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Samsung not named as 'gatekeeper' by European Commission

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Samsung Electronics not named as 'gatekeeper' by European Commission

Samsung Electronics not named as 'gatekeeper' by European Commission

Samsung Electronics has not been included in the European Commission’s list of so-called gatekeepers announced Wednesday.
Gatekeepers refer to platform service provider that act as a significant gateway between businesses and end users under the Commission's Digital Markets Act (DMA) which came to effect last year, aimed at containing big tech companies’ market dominance.  
Samsung Electronics was one of seven tech companies which voluntarily reported that it meets the gatekeeper status in July.  
Samsung Internet, a pre-installed internet browser on Samsung Electronics' handsets, was considered to have qualified for the gatekeeper status.  
The Commission, however, announced Wednesday that Samsung Electronics is not considered a gatekeeper, with the status being given to Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft.
As a result, a total of 22 services from the six companies including social networking services, app stores and operating systems, will face the highest level of scrutiny where they will be restricted from a slew of core business activities including utilizing collected user data on their other services for the next six months. 
"The commission has concluded that, although Gmail, and Samsung Internet Browser meet the thresholds under the DMA to qualify as a gatekeeper, Alphabet, Microsoft and Samsung provided sufficiently justified arguments showing that these services do not qualify as gateways for the respective core platform services," the commission said in a release. 
"Therefore, the Commission decided not to designate Gmail, and Samsung Internet Browser as core platform services. It follows that Samsung is not designated as gatekeeper with respect to any core platform service."

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