Hwang Ui-jo departs for England as Seoul lifts travel ban

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Hwang Ui-jo departs for England as Seoul lifts travel ban

Hwang Ui-jo appears on the bench for Korea during a game against China in Shenzhen, China on Nov. 21, 2023. [YONHAP]

Hwang Ui-jo appears on the bench for Korea during a game against China in Shenzhen, China on Nov. 21, 2023. [YONHAP]

Nottingham Forest striker Hwang Ui-jo, accused of illegally filming sexual encounters without the knowledge of his partners, departed for England on Monday.  
Hwang, 32, departed immediately after the Seoul police decided Sunday not to extend a travel ban that had been levied on him.  

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The Seoul police on Monday said that they had summoned Hwang for additional questioning on Thursday.  
They added that they had already collected statements from others involved in the case, along with evidence, including his laptop and mobile phones.  
The recent questioning marked Hwang's fourth appearance before police, following sessions on Nov. 18, Dec. 12, and Dec. 15 last year.  
On Jan. 16, the police asked the Justice Ministry to impose a travel ban on Hwang after he refused to attend another round of questioning.  
Hwang argued that the travel ban was excessive, claiming that he has been cooperative with the investigation.  
The travel ban came into effect two days later.  
Hwang reportedly admitted to filming the sexual encounters. However, he has denied filming without his partners' knowledge, emphasizing the absence of explicit objections.

BY LEE HO-JEONG [lee.hojeong@joongang.co.kr]
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