Fifth tiger death in two years at Seoul Grand Park as Taebaek dies

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Fifth tiger death in two years at Seoul Grand Park as Taebaek dies

Siberian tiger Taebaek in Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi [SEOUL GRAND PARK]

Siberian tiger Taebaek in Seoul Grand Park in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi [SEOUL GRAND PARK]

One of Seoul Grand Park’s Siberian tigers, Taebaek, died last Friday. 
The Siberian tiger Taebaek had been under treatment since February due to his poor stool condition, according to the park on Tuesday. The park is situated in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi, and includes a zoo.

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The park reported that the tiger had experienced a significant loss of appetite and a notable decrease in activity in recent times.
“We attempted various methods, including medication, to stimulate his food intake, but since April 2 he consumed only minimal amounts,” the park said in a statement on Friday.  
The park decided to conduct a health examination on Taebaek under general anesthesia on April 15. Following the examination, the park confirmed Taebaek’s poor biliary system and liver condition, initiating medical treatment, including fluid therapy, for the tiger.
However, due to the tiger's predatory nature, administering general anesthesia continuously and providing IV fluid therapy posed significant challenges.
“We made every effort to consistently treat Taebaek. However, his condition did not improve and he passed away,” the park said.
An autopsy to determine the exact cause of Taebaek’s death is currently under way, according to the park, which is also collaborating with an external institution for an in-depth examination.  
“We will share information regarding Taebaek’s death with the public as soon as we receive the results of the in-depth examination into the exact cause of the tiger’s death,” the park said.  
Seoul Grand Park has lost five tigers, including Taebaek, within two years. In February, a 19-year-old tiger named Areum passed away, and in May of last year, a one-year-old tiger named Parang succumbed to feline panleukopenia, a contagious disease within the feline family. 
In August 2023, a 10-year-old male Siberian tiger named Suho suddenly died from a heart disorder. In 2022, 14-year-old tiger Garam died due to a confrontation among the zoo tigers.
Taebaek was born on May 2, 2018, alongside three other Siberian tigers — Baekdu, Halla and Kumgang.  
“Due to Taebaek’s sudden death, the zoo and zookeepers are going through a difficult time,” the park said. “We would like to sincerely thank everyone who showed their love toward Taebaek and offered words of comfort.”
A memorial space has been set up for Taebaek in front of the tiger enclosure, which will be available until Sunday, the park said.

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