Brazil's 'Christ the Redeemer' statue dons hanbok for Korean culture event

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Brazil's 'Christ the Redeemer' statue dons hanbok for Korean culture event

The ″Christ the Redeemer″ statue is decorated with Korean traditional dress hanbok on June 7 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

The ″Christ the Redeemer″ statue is decorated with Korean traditional dress hanbok on June 7 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [MINISTRY OF CULTURE, SPORTS AND TOURISM]

Brazilian landmark "Christ the Redeemer" statue donned Korea's traditional dress of hanbok on Friday, local time, marking the first time that the installation has been decorated with the traditional attire of a different country.
Co-organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korean Culture Center in Brazil, the event was held as part of a celebration of "Luzes da Coreia – Festival de Lanternas de Jinju," or the "Lights of Korea - Festival of Lanterns of Jinju," exhibition that kicked off on Saturday at the culture center on Sunday. It will also continue during the G20 summit set to take place on Nov. 18 and 29 in Rio de Janeiro.

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The dress for "Christ the Redeemer" was projected onto the gigantic statue using a technology called projection mapping, where tailor-made videos are projected onto a surface to give a 3-D effect.
A two-piece blue coat, referred to as cheolik dopo in Korean, was donned by the statue, touching on Brazil's symbolic color. The belt was decorated with the logo design of the upcoming G20 Summit. Designer Lee Jin-hee, the honorary ambassador of Jinju silk, made the design for the virtual hanbok.
The "Luzes da Coreia" exhibition will feature silk lanterns using the iconic high-quality silk produced in South Gyeongsang's Jinju. It takes place at the Museu de Arte Contemporânea – MAC Niterói and will open until Aug. 25.

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