30 students tour national science museum through S-Oil initiative

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30 students tour national science museum through S-Oil initiative

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A total of 30 students who participated in S-Oil's science academic program take a photo in front of the Gwacheon National Science Museum in Gyeonggi. [S-OIL]

A total of 30 students who participated in S-Oil's science academic program take a photo in front of the Gwacheon National Science Museum in Gyeonggi. [S-OIL]

S-Oil held a science academic program Wednesday for 30 students from underserved groups who have so far lacked the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with science and technology.
The students toured the Gwacheon National Science Museum in Gyeonggi and experienced programs related to outer space.
The “Welcome to Gwacheon National Science Museum” initiative, organized by the S-Oil Science and Culture Foundation, aims to “offer educational opportunities to underprivileged children and students in a bid to foster science and technology talents.” 
The Korean oil refiner aims to hold the programs eight times this year and to invite more than 300 students.
Established in January 2011, the S-Oil Science and Culture Foundation is a nonprofit aiming to contribute to national development by supporting outstanding scientists and discovering new scientific talent. 
The foundation provides other resources, including scholarships for scientifically minded youth and developmental support for cultural exchange programs between Korea and the Middle East.
Last year, the foundation provided some 400 million won to 30 young scientists in recognition of their outstanding papers and discoveries.

BY SARAH CHEA [chea.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
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