Everland's Siberian tiger quadruplets celebrate third birthday

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Everland's Siberian tiger quadruplets celebrate third birthday

Areum, right, eats the birthday cake celebrating the tigers' third birthday, as Daun watches. [SAMSUNG C&T]

Areum, right, eats the birthday cake celebrating the tigers' third birthday, as Daun watches. [SAMSUNG C&T]

The Siberian tiger quadruplets at Everland, an amusement park with a zoo in Yongin, Gyeonggi, celebrated their third birthday with a party.
The four tigers, named Areum, Daun, Woori and Nara, received a three-tiered raw meat cake and ice balls — a “treat they most enjoy,” said Samsung C&T, the operator of the zoo.  
The names of the four tigers come together to form the phrase, “Our Beautiful Country” in Korean.  
The tigers were born naturally inside the zoo, between mother Geongon and father Taeho on June 27, 2021. Five cubs were born at the time but the youngest, named Gangsan, died on Jan. 8, 2022, after choking on food.
The visitors at the zoo made birthday cake replicas with clay for a program held in celebration of the tigers’ birthday.
Areum, right, with Woori [SAMSUNG C&T]

Areum, right, with Woori [SAMSUNG C&T]

Areum eats the birthday cake [SAMSUNG C&T]

Areum eats the birthday cake [SAMSUNG C&T]

Woori eats the birthday cake [SAMSUNG C&T]

Woori eats the birthday cake [SAMSUNG C&T]

The visitors at the zoo made birthday cake replicas with clay to celebrate the tigers’ birthday. [SAMSUNG C&T]

The visitors at the zoo made birthday cake replicas with clay to celebrate the tigers’ birthday. [SAMSUNG C&T]

BY YIM SEUNG-HYE, KIM MIN-YOUNG [yim.seunghye@joongang.co.kr]
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