2024 World Climate Industry Expo kicks off in Busan

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2024 World Climate Industry Expo kicks off in Busan

Visitors to the Posco booth at the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) look at a model of hydrogen reduction steelmaking technology on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Visitors to the Posco booth at the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) look at a model of hydrogen reduction steelmaking technology on Wednesday. [YONHAP]

Visitors to Posco's booth at the 2024 World Climate Industry Expo (WCE) look at a model of hydrogen reduction steelmaking technology on Wednesday.
The WCE, running from Wednesday to Friday at the Bexco convention center in Busan, is a forum for the climate and energy industry seeking to shift to a carbon-free era co-organized with the International Energy Agency. The event features talks and panels about green growth through renewable energy, nuclear and hydrogen power as well as carbon capture technology, drawing vice ministers of energy and the environment from both Korea and abroad as well as industry leaders and distinguished academics.
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