Starbucks launches subscription service offering daily discounts

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Starbucks launches subscription service offering daily discounts

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Starbucks Korea has introduced its first subscription service, the Buddy Pass, on Tuesday. [STARBUCKS KOREA]

Starbucks Korea has introduced its first subscription service, the Buddy Pass, on Tuesday. [STARBUCKS KOREA]

Starbucks Korea introduced its first monthly subscription service on Tuesday that provides discount coupons to loyal customers.
The Buddy Pass comes with one 30 percent discount drink coupon per day. The coupon will only be available to use after 2 p.m. and can be used on non-bottled drinks.

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It also offers one discount coupon for food items per month, along with one free delivery coupon and two online store delivery coupons.
The subscription will be priced at 9,900 won ($7.42) per month and will operate until the end of the year as a test phase.
“If a customer enjoys a tall-sized Cafe Latte priced at 5,000 won, they can get a 1,500 won discount on the drink every day,” the coffee chain said in a press release, adding that customers can make back the subscription fee in a week.
“We are testing out a subscription plan for the first time so we can provide a special perk to the 13 million users that have a Starbucks membership,” Starbucks Korea CEO Sohn Jeong-hyun said in a press release Tuesday.
Starbucks will also provide a "buy one get one" free coupon to customers who have signed up for the Buddy Pass and ordered a drink after registering starting Tuesday.

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