Incheon Airport to be Delta's Asia hub, direct route to Salt Lake City taking off in 2025

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Incheon Airport to be Delta's Asia hub, direct route to Salt Lake City taking off in 2025

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Incheon International Airport Corporation CEO Lee Hak-jae, left, and Delta Air Lines CEO Edward Bastian during a strategic discussion session held on Sept. 25. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

Incheon International Airport Corporation CEO Lee Hak-jae, left, and Delta Air Lines CEO Edward Bastian during a strategic discussion session held on Sept. 25. [INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPORATION]

Incheon International Airport will be Delta Air Lines’ new hub in Asia as the airline opens a new direct route to Salt Lake City next year.
Incheon International Airport Corporation finalized the new route during a strategic discussion session held on Sept. 25 with Airport Corporation CEO Lee Hak-jae and Delta Air Lines CEO Edward Bastian, Incheon Airport said Monday.

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At the meeting, Delta Air Lines confirmed its new Seoul-Salt Lake City route, with the first flight scheduled to take off on June 12, 2025. This will make Incheon the only Asian airport with a direct connection to the U.S. city.
Incheon will also be the only Asian airport with direct connections to Delta’s four core hub cities — Atlanta, Detroit, Minneapolis and Salt Lake City.
Delta previously offered 84,361 seats to Tokyo’s Narita International Airport as of August 2019 but suspended all flights to Narita in March 2020.
With the addition of 62 flights and 17,050 seats for the upcoming Salt Lake City route, Incheon will become Delta’s No. 1 airport in Asia in terms of seats offered, surpassing Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport.  

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