Today's Fortune: Oct. 11, 2024

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Today's Fortune: Oct. 11, 2024

Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

Read what today holds in store for you under the 12 signs of the zodiac, each represented by an animal. Our astrologer Cho Ku-moon explores saju (the four pillars of destiny) and geomancy for your prospects on wealth, health and love while offering advice on the direction of your luck and fortune.  
Friday, Oct. 11, 2024 (Sept. 9 on the lunar calendar)

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: happy
Lucky direction: north
1936: Lady Luck in on your side.
1948: You may see or hear what you’ve been waiting for.
1960: You may reach your goal and feel rewarded.
1972: You may see progress in your work.
1984: You may be recognized and feel proud.
1996: Knock, and the door will open.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1937: A compliment goes a long away.
1949: You may relax watching TV.
1961: You may not like it nor hate it.
1973: No gain, no loss.
1985: It won’t matter if you do it or not.
1997: Listen more and talk less.

Wealth: lessening
Health: mindful
Love: encountering
Lucky direction: west
1938: It may not be up to your standards.
1950: Don’t make any arrangements or meet anyone.
1962: Don’t do anything beyond your wishes or capacity.
1974: Don’t ask for or get favors.
1986: You may get into a pickle.
1998: You should be picky about who you connect with.  

Wealth: diminishing
Health: mindful
Love: colorful
Lucky direction: west
1939: You’re better alone.
1951: Don’t trust anyone or expect anything.
1963: Eat well and take care of yourself.
1975: Don’t trust anyone except yourself.
1987: What you get may be different from what you planned.
1999: Don’t be fooled by a smile from the opposite sex.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: north
1940: Look back on your life.
1952: When you give, you get.
1964: Drink tea or water often.
1976: Be fluid as water.
1988: Concentrate on what you have instead of widening your horizon.
2000: Build your inner strength and polish up your credentials.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: passionate
Lucky direction: north
1941: We live until 100, fun days are still ahead.
1953: You’re at your youngest today.
1965: Go for it, if you have something you wish to do.
1977: Pursue it with confidence.
1989: Work may come in abundance. Go after them.
2001: Young age has the license to passion.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: west
1942: A healthy body is the strongest asset.
1954: Spend well, rather than saving well.
1966: People around you are your riches.
1978: You may have interest in investment-related affairs.
1990: You may get a good offer or tip.

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: south
1943: Pay attention to the signs from your body.
1955: Keep away from cold food and eat something digestible.
1967: Study people well and deal with them well.
1979: Build a reciprocally beneficial relationship to seek progress.
1991: Have trust in your senior and follow what they say.

Wealth: good
Health: strong
Love: mutual
Lucky direction: west
1944: When it comes to kids, the more the merrier.
1956: Wherever you look, fortune will be waiting.
1968: Have a carrot in one hand and a whip in the other.
1980: You may see your boundary or authority widen.
1992: You may be satisfied through and through.
Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: jealous
Lucky direction: north
1945: You need a pastime in old age.
1957: Don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
1969: When there is shadow, there must also be light.
1981: Don’t boast, be modest.
1993: Settle for the supporting role, not the main role.  

Wealth: fair
Health: fair
Love: giving
Lucky direction: east
1946: A day like any other day.
1958: Cheer for someone even if you can’t be of material help.
1970: Look close, not far away.
1982: Separate what’s public and private.
1994: Let your senior take the credit for your achievement.

Wealth: not bad
Health: modest
Love: blissful
Lucky direction: east
1935: Your grandchildren are your joy and hope.
1947: You may get joy out of something you thought was trivial.
1959: What’s good is good.
1971: You may see eye to eye.
1983: You may get an invitation to dine out.
1995: You are in for a good treat.
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