Defense minister urges stronger joint military drills with U.S. to counter North Korea

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Defense minister urges stronger joint military drills with U.S. to counter North Korea

Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, poses for a photo with visiting U.S. Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the Indo-Pacific Command, prior to their meeting in Seoul on Wednesday. [DEFENSE MINISTRY]

Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, left, poses for a photo with visiting U.S. Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the Indo-Pacific Command, prior to their meeting in Seoul on Wednesday. [DEFENSE MINISTRY]

Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun on Wednesday called for strengthening joint military training and exercises with the United States to maintain an overwhelming defense posture against North Korean provocations, the defense ministry said.
The appeal was made during a meeting in Seoul with visiting U.S. Admiral Samuel Paparo, commander of the Indo-Pacific Command, where they discussed security conditions on the Korean Peninsula and regional alliance issues.

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During the meeting, Kim emphasized the importance of establishing capabilities and readiness that could prevent North Korean provocations, calling for strengthening joint training and exercises.
They also agreed to conduct a second round of the "Freedom Edge" exercise, which was first launched in June. The exercise is aimed at bolstering defenses against North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.
Both sides also assessed that military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including illegal arms trade, poses a serious threat to the security of the Korean Peninsula and the Indo-Pacific region.

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