Korea JoongAng Daily Executive Editor: A letter to our readers

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Korea JoongAng Daily Executive Editor: A letter to our readers

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Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI

The Korea JoongAng Daily (KJD) celebrates its 24th anniversary on Oct. 17.
As part of our constant efforts to make the news as accessible as possible for our readers, we are launching a text-to-voice audio news service. We will provide an audio option for all new in-depth coverage on our website. Our audio news is read using artificial intelligence, but written by our own reporters. The stories that come with an audio option will be marked with the following icon at the top of the article. 
To celebrate our 24th anniversary, we are running an event to gather feedback from our readers. We are asking you to share the links to three stories you enjoyed the most from the KJD alongside any constructive feedback on what you feel we could improve. In return, we will randomly select 20 winners to receive a $50 Amazon gift card.
On the print side, we are introducing new sections on Pages 2, 4 and 11.  
"Newsline," on Page 2, brings Korea’s latest political and social stories to readers in a concise, streamlined format. "Bizline," on Page 4, is a collection of market-moving business stories of the day to help readers keep up with current economic issues. Our beloved "Talk of the town," where you can find all our Korean entertainment insight in an easily digestible format, will remain on Page 11, but in a more readable, succinct layout.
As always, the Korea JoongAng Daily would like to thank our readers for your continuous support. Here’s to another 24 years! 
(Korea JoongAng Daily anniversary event page url: https://forms.gle/YUkFs7LPrJsCbE847)  

BY CHOI JI-YOUNG [choi.jiyoung@joongang.co.kr]
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