Kyung Hee University, Hyundai Green Food to partner on opportunities for international students

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Kyung Hee University, Hyundai Green Food to partner on opportunities for international students

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Hyundai Green Food CEO Park Hong-jin, left, and Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies Dean Park Hahn-kyu pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding. [HYUNDAI GREEN FOOD]

Hyundai Green Food CEO Park Hong-jin, left, and Kyung Hee University Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies Dean Park Hahn-kyu pose for a photo after signing a memorandum of understanding. [HYUNDAI GREEN FOOD]

Kyung Hee University will partner with Hyundai Green Food to offer career training and internship opportunities to international students.
The university's Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies and Hyundai Green Food signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday to offer employment support for graduate school students.

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Employment support will be offered to both Korean and international students, but Hyundai Green Food plans to especially focus on programs for the latter group. The company will create a career-training program for international students, with outstanding participants offered internship opportunities after the program.
Students given internship offers will be able to work in various positions such as R&D, technology training and business management.
Hyundai Green Food and Kyung Hee University's graduate school also agreed to find more areas to partner in.
"We will pursue various partnerships with Kyung Hee University's Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies, sparing no effort for students to get hands-on experience," said a spokesperson for Hyundai Green Food. "Based on the partnership we created this time, we plan to foster international talent to enhance our competitiveness."

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