DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation offering scholarships to DGIST's international students

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DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation offering scholarships to DGIST's international students

Kang Eun-jeong, executive director of DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation, fifth from left, and Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology president Lee Kun-woo, second from left, at a ceremony to deliver an appreciation plaque for the fund held on Monday at the institute's campus in Daegu [DAEGU GYEONGBUK INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY]

Kang Eun-jeong, executive director of DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation, fifth from left, and Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology president Lee Kun-woo, second from left, at a ceremony to deliver an appreciation plaque for the fund held on Monday at the institute's campus in Daegu [DAEGU GYEONGBUK INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY]

DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation is offering 120 million won ($87,700) scholarships for international students at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), the institute announced on Thursday.
International students with good academic records and research results will be selected to receive 30 million won annually for four years through DGIST’s Dream Support Global Scholarship program.
“International students are core resources for enhancing DGIST’s global research capability,” said DGIST president Lee Kun-woo, who attended the ceremony on Monday to deliver a plaque of appreciation to the foundation at the institute's campus in Daegu. “DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation’s donation will significantly help foreign students to focus on their studies and develop into global talent.”
Founded in 1998, the DB Kim Jun Ki Cultural Foundation aims to discover and nurture talent. Its vision reflects that of DB Group founder Kim Jun-ki, who believed that “the future belongs to those who challenge themselves with dreams and hope.”
Since its establishment, the foundation has provided approximately 100 billion won in scholarships to around 6,000 university students. It hosts various academic events to foster talent suitable for the globalized and information-driven age.

BY WOO JI-WON [woo.jiwon@joongang.co.kr]
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