Bang Si-hyuk’s GLAM to debut in July

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Bang Si-hyuk’s GLAM to debut in July


Bang Si-hyuk

Renowned music producer and composer Bang Si-hyuk said he will present a girl group first time in his 14-year music career this July.

According to Bang’s Big Hit Entertainment, five-member girl group GLAM will release its first album on July 16 and officially make its debut.

The agency said that along with Source Music, the management company that also has groups like 8eight, they have prepared for three years to present the new girl group.

GLAM will appear for the first time next month in a short music drama on SBS MTV.

The group’s name was inspired by the phrase “Girls be ambitious,” hoping to produce music that is bright and active, according to the agency.

“GLAM has true sincerity in the music and it even makes me feel sorry for them if I say I produced it,” Bang said. “I should say I was just their partner rather than the producer of the group.”

The 40-year-old Bang has previously worked with boy band 2 AM.

By Joo Kyung-don
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