Girl group XG to drop EP 'New DNA' on Sept. 27

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Girl group XG to drop EP 'New DNA' on Sept. 27

Girl group XG [XGALX]

Girl group XG [XGALX]

Girl group XG will drop its first EP "New DNA" on Sept. 27, its agency XGALX said Tuesday.  
The album will come in two different versions, version X, which focuses on XG's mysterious and sharp fictional worldview, and version G which shows a pure and refreshing side, which will be a new attempt for the girl group.  
"New DNA" will feature six tracks: "Hesonoo," "X-Gene," "TGIF," "New Dance," "Puppet Show" and "GRL GVNG," a track preleased on June 30.  
Out of the announced six tracks, the EP's lead track will be named at a future date, according to the agency.
Girl group XG's upcoming EP will come in two versions, version X, left, and version G. [XGALX]

Girl group XG's upcoming EP will come in two versions, version X, left, and version G. [XGALX]

"Through 'New DNA,' XG plans to showcase its evolution and aims to present a visual and musical satisfaction [to the viewers and listeners]. The music and performance they plan on showing will prove that the girl group aims for even more unique songs," XGALX said in a press release.
XG debuted in 2022 and consists of seven members: Jurin, Chisa, Hinata, Maya, Juria, Cocona and Harvey. The members are all Japanese, and their tracks are sung in English.

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