Korea hits Google, Apple with $50.5 million fine over app store policy

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Korea hits Google, Apple with $50.5 million fine over app store policy

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Korea's telecommunications regulator will slap Google and Apple with a combined 68 billion won fine ($50.5 million) as it found the companies to have violated the country's in-app payment regulations.
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) found the companies required app developers to use their in-app payment methods while barring those who used external payment methods to register or update their apps on their markets.
The findings come after the regulator's investigation that launched on Aug. 16, 2022.
It also found Apple to have charged extra fees to Korean app developers, violating the country's Telecommunications Business Act.
The KCC plans to impose Google and Apple, each with a fine of 47.6 billion won and 20.5 billion won.
"This corrective measure will contribute to forming a robust market for app stores by regulating malpractices of large-scale platform operators who used their positions unfairly," KCC said in a statement.

BY LEE JAE-LIM [lee.jaelim@joongang.co.kr]
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