National Kimchi Day

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National Kimchi Day

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A total of 1,122 people make kimchi in celebration of National Kimchi Day, which falls on Nov. 22, at the Kimchi Grand Festival held at the 5.18 Democracy Square in Gwangju, South Jeolla, on Wednesday. A beloved national dish, kimchi is traditionally made with pickled vegetables seasoned with a mixture of garlic, ginger, chili peppers and fermented seafood. [YONHAP]

A total of 1,122 people make kimchi in celebration of National Kimchi Day, which falls on Nov. 22, at the Kimchi Grand Festival held at the 5.18 Democracy Square in Gwangju, South Jeolla, on Wednesday. A beloved national dish, kimchi is traditionally made with pickled vegetables seasoned with a mixture of garlic, ginger, chili peppers and fermented seafood. [YONHAP]

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